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Today, October 28, 2023, gold and silver prices: Verify the most recent amounts in your area

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    Gold prices saw a steady on Saturday.

    The cost of 24 carat gold is Rs.6211.0 per gm.

    The cost of 22 carat gold is Rs.5695.0 per gm.

    The price change in 24 carat gold in the last one week has been -0.42% whereas in the last month it has been -4.84%.

    The cost of silver is Rs.71745.0 per kg.

    Gold (24k) and Silver prices in your city are as follows:

    - Chennai has a gold price of Rs.62250.0/10g and silver price of Rs.71745.0/1kg.

    - Delhi has a gold price of Rs.62110.0/10g and silver price of Rs.71745.0/1kg.

    - Mumbai has a gold price of Rs.61960.0/10g and silver price of Rs.71745.0/1kg.

    - Kolkata has a gold price of Rs.61960.0/10g and silver price of Rs.71745.0/1kg.

    The gold February 2024 MCX futures were trading at Rs.61599.0 per 10 gm up by 0.514% at the time of publishing.

    The silver May 2024 MCX futures were trading at Rs.74500.0 per kg up by 0.707% at the time of publishing.

    Fluctuations in prices are impacted by a range of elements, including the input from respected jewelers.

    Elements such as the worldwide desire for gold, variations in currency values between countries, current interest rates, and government rules regarding the gold trade all play a role in these changes.

    Furthermore, worldwide occurrences such as the state of the global economy and the potency of the US dollar against other currencies also exert influence on gold prices in the Indian market.

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    Published: 28 Oct 2023, 10:15 AM IST


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